I'm going to attempt something new and that is post something (verbatim) from a "guest" user, Karen Schweitzer. Karen is a very nice person who has a passion for writing & education. While some of these sites I have seen (Edmodo, ProPofs, Thinkfinity, etc.) and possibly reviewed (Writewith), I highly recommend checking them out because there is a lot of a valuable information to be found.
25 Free Quizzing, Grading, and Teaching ResourcesThe Internet is rich with free resources designed to save teachers time and money. From grade books and web apps to lesson plans and quiz makers, there are online resources to fit nearly every teacher's needs. Here is a list of 25 sites worth exploring:
Quiz MakersProProfs - ProProfs Quiz School offers tools for teachers who want to create, share, and grade quizzes online. The free quiz generator is perfect for creating professional quizzes, tests, exams, and trivia.
ClassMarker - This online testing tool can be used to create multiple choice tests, essay exams, and other types of quizzes. Once quizzes are taken, ClassMarker corrects them automatically and emails answers to the appropriate party.
EasyTestMaker - EasyTestMaker provides tools to generate a wide assortment of tests. The site gives you the ability to divide tests into sections and insert instructions.
Charles Kelly's Online Quiz Generator - This online quiz generator is an extremely simple way to create multiple choice quizzes. Simply input your data, choose your format, and this program quickly creates your quizzes.
Javascript QuizMaker - The Javascript QuizMaker creates quizzes and generates code for online classes.
Online Grade Books and ToolsEngrade - Engrade is a suite of online classroom management tools that allows teachers to connect with students and parents 24/7. Tools include an assignment calendar, secure messaging, a grade book, attendance book, and progress reports.
GradeConnect - More than 100,000 teachers use GradeConnect to manage their classroom online. The site features messaging, online grade books, attendance reports, and more.
SnapGrades - SnapGrades offers a free online grade book for entire districts or single classes. This site also features a low-cost paid premium version with more options.
HotChalk - This online class management tool saves teachers 5 to 45 minutes a day by automating daily functions. HotChalk can be used to manage lesson plans, assignments, notes, and grade books.
Chalksite - Chalksite expands your classroom to the web with an online grade book, assignment tracker, messenger, and discussion forum.
Lesson PlansTeachers.net - Teachers.net features over 4,000 lesson plans for all grades and subjects. The site houses lesson plans created for teachers by teachers and even offers original ideas.
TeAchnology - With over 30,000 free lesson plans online, TeAchnology is a great place to find lesson materials. This expansive teaching site covers all grades and subjects as well as holidays, current events, and interdisciplinary topics.
Thinkfinity - Thinkfinity, an educator's site created by the Verizon Foundation, offers teachers lesson plans, interactives, and more.
FREE - Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) provides several free lesson plans and resources for teachers, including free animations, primary documents, photos, and videos.
Educational World - This educator's website provides original lesson plans and articles by educational experts.
Classroom ActivitiesPBS Teachers - PBS Teachers offers several resources and activities for teachers, including activity packs that cover a wide variety of subjects.
Xpeditions - This National Geographic site features an array of activities for students at all levels. Activities include online and offline missions, maps, and interactive features.
Discovery Education - This educational site from the Discovery Channel offers a variety of free online activities for the classroom in addition to worksheets, brain boosters, and lesson plans.
Scholastic - Scholastic provides activities for all grades and subjects. This site also features a rating system for specific activities other teachers enjoyed.
BBC Learning - This learning site features worksheets, activities, and games for K-12 students. BBC Learning is a great place for teachers to find a wide assortment of activities for all subjects.
Web AppsEdmodo - Edmodo is a private micro blogging site for students and teachers. It can be used to communicate assignments, lists, and reminders out of the classroom.
LectureTools - This teaching aid makes lectures interactive. Students can synchronize notes with slides, pose questions electronically, and interact with the lecturer in other ways
FlashCardExchange - FlashCardExchange is a free flash card creation web app that allows you to create and share flashcards online or for print.
WriteWith - Teachers can use this free web app to oversee a group writing project. WriteWith allows teachers to upload documents, assign tasks, and track everyone's progress.
Empressor - Empressor is a multimedia tool that can be used to create media rich presentations. Completed presentations can be kept private or shared with others.
Guest post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. Karen is the
About.com Guide to Business School. She also writes about
online colleges and universities for OnlineColleges.net.