9Slides is a wonderful site for adding narrations/video to a presentation. This is very easy to do, supports a wide variety of files (PPT, Keynote, etc), and works great on mobile devices. Also, a finished presentation can be embedded into a site or blog.
I highly recommend checking out 9Slides by clicking here!!!
Photocat is a new fun site for editing photos. A person can edit photos, retouch images, and even make collages. Also, there is a iPhone app which makes editing nice and easy on the go.
I highly recommend checking out Photocat by clicking here!!
Gooru Collections is a wonderful free iPad app for finding educational resources for Science and Math 5th-12th grade. This is done by searching through a variety of videos, games, quizzes, and more.
I highly recommend checking out Gooru Collections by clicking here!!!
I think I found this app from Richard Byrne's excellent new blog, iPad Apps 4 School.
For my Pinterest board on Educational iOS apps, click here.
Lecture Spy is a wonderful site for educators to host and upload all types of files for students to use, such as: audio/video files, presentations, images, and more. Also, this is a nice secure site for discussing and viewing course work material.
I highly recommend checking out Lecture Spy by clicking here!!!
SpellingCity is a wonderful site for teachers to help students strengthen their spelling and vocabulary skills. This is done by searching through or creating your own word lists that can then be imported into interactive learning games. Also, there is excellent free iOS app that interacts w/ users of the SC site.
I highly recommend checking out SpellingCity by clicking here!!
*SpellingCity is a advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
Showbie is a wonderful site/iPad app that I found out about from Edshelf. This is an app that interacts w/ the Showbie site where teachers create classes and assignments. Once this is done students can then use the iPad app to share files and turn in assignments. Teachers can then evaluate student work using their Showbie iPad app as well.
I highly recommend checking out Showbie by clicking here!!
FluencyFinder is a wonderful iOS app for assessing student reading levels. This is done through a very easy to user interface where teachers print out Reading passages Grades 1 - 8 and then have students read along while marking their mistakes on their mobile device. Best of all students are created on their mobile device and all student and data tracking is done automatically which then generates reports.
FF just added 18 new reading passages for grades 6 - 8!!!
I highly recommend checking out FlunecyFinder by clicking here!!!
*FluencyFinder is a advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
The Answer Pad is a great free iPad solution for assessing student data. This is done by registering and interacting w/ a free iPad app that allows teachers to create student accounts and answer sheets, and then assess student data.
I highly recommend checking out The Answer Pad by clicking here!!!
*The Answer Pad is a advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
Boom Writer is one of my favorite Web 2.0 site and is a very innovative way to integrate technology into a curriculum. This is done by having a class grades 3-8 create a digital story through an online competition in a safe environment. Students create chapters and then vote on which chapters should be included in the finished product. Once a book is completed it can then be published and a copy can be ordered. Right now BW offers a free class copy for new teachers that sign up.
Best of all there is an educational portal for Boom Writer which allows teachers to create student accounts.
I highly recommend checking out Boom Writer by clicking here!!!
Gnowledge is one of my favorite sites for creating collaborative online quizzes. This site is very user friendly has excellent tutorials, and a wonderful list of online quizzes and assignments for teachers to look through.
I recommend checking out Gnowledge by clicking here!!!
Online Audio Cutter is a handy little site I found out about from Free Technology 4 Teachers. This site site allows users to edit/cut audio from YouTube and Sound Cloud clips by pasting in a URL.
I recommend checking out Online Audio Cutter by clicking here!!
Chegg is a great site for students to buy, rent, or sell textbooks. Also, it is a nice site that has a homework hub for helping students find help in textbooks.
Edbok stands for Educational Digital Books & Online Knowledge. This is a great site for finding digital books on a wide variety of topics as well other things. This is a relatively new site, so there are not a lot of books to choose from.
Weavly is a new (beta) site for creating excellent looking mashup videos. This is done by uploading video, audio, or images and then mixing them together. The video editor is very easy to use via drag-n-drop and looks something not unlike iMovie HD.
I recommend checking out Weavly by clicking here!!!
Vivapitch is a free application-add on for Powerpoint and Android. Basically, it replaces the need for a presenter to give handouts as Vivapitch allows users to interact w/ their presentations on a mobile device. This is ideal for people giving presentations, keynote, or wants to engage their audience.
I recommend checking out Vivapitch by clicking here!!
Jumbalees is a fantastic site for parents and kids to learn and read entertaining stories involving characters called, Jumbalees. These books are available as storybooks or on the Kindle, and there are even some free digital ebooks too. This site also allows people to learn more about the characters as well as play educational games/printables such as: connect the dots, word search, maze, etc.
I highly recommend checking out Jumbalees by clicking here!!!
Recycle Hero is a great Android/Google Play app that was formerly known as the iOS app Trash Chaos. This is one of my favorite games for my kids that teaches them about recycling in a fun and engaging way. There are lots of levels, characters, and worlds to play through. Other versions such as iPad, Nook, Kindle, etc will be here this friday.
Visualead is a cool site that I just found out about for creating visual QR codes. This is done by uploading an image, cropping what part of that image you want to turn into a QR code, add a link, and click generate. QR codes are fun to do w/ students for an engaging activity that can use a wide variety of mobile devices.
I recommend checking out Visualead by clicking here!!!