Keep in mind the questions might change from time to time (especially as technology changes), and I'm looking to provide other formats as well (audio/video).
I hope you all find this to be a fun/exciting journey as we get to learn a bit more about each other and why we love technology & education.
Dan Johnson
site: http://www.greendale.k12.wi.us/Teachers/johnson_d/johnson_d.html

- Where do you live? US, Wauwatosa, WI
- How long have you been working w/ technology/education? 5 years
- What OS/platform do you use for work? Mac
- What is your favorite Web 2.0/21st Century tool and why? I would say YouTube, and similar sites due to the way they allow for the sharing of work and ideas. No longer is the content one can access restricted to that which a small handful of people decide is worthy of publication.
- What is the biggest misconception about technology? That it's new, or optional. People who balk at using "technology" typically don't mind using a cell phone, a copy machine (as opposed to running mimeographs), etc. And the idea that hanging on to older, more comfortable technologies is a choice ignores the fact that as our society continues to move forward, those technologies become more and more difficult to find.
- What are the biggest hurdles you face as a technology educator? I think the biggest hurdle for me has been trying to stay current with the new possibilities that are constantly being developed. I don't want to be preparing my students for the past.
- What has been your biggest success in technology integration? Using applications such as Comic Life and iMovie in my classroom. These have been highly motivating to my students, while at the same time asking the kids to apply concepts we are learning with a variety of in depth thinking skills. Essentially, the kids develop greater understanding while also having fun.
- What has been your biggest setback in technology integration? I can't think of one, other than wishing for more time.
- Who/what has been your biggest inspiration in technology/education? The finished projects my students have created. There are at times moments when I wonder if we've gotten in over our heads, but when I see what the kids have created, and hear them talk about what they've learned, I know it's worth while.
- Where do you see technology integration heading in the future? I think it's leading to a smaller world. Things that kids would have learned about through textbooks in the past are now instantly accessible. Sharing ideas and projects with people around the world will change the way we learn about and work with others.
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