Upon having breakfast w/ my boys this morning I discovered on the back of their cereal box a comic creator for Honey Nut Cheerios. I have it a shot and found it to be a nice site to use w/ kids to teach them digital storytelling and how to create a comic. Everything that can be found in most online comic creators can be found here: drag-n-drop interface, ability to choose characters and backgrounds, and editing text.
I recommend checking out Honey Nut Cheerios Comic Creator by clicking here.
The only disclaimer I can give is, to unlock extra content you need a special code that you can only get from the back of the cereal boxes.
An absolutely Awesome blog! Thanks for sharing your expertise and love of technology in education. I'll certainly be putting a link to your blog on my blog and would appreciate it if you could take a look at mine and give a critique. Maybe even link to it, if you think it might be of interest to your readers...Lee