that K-12 teachers are using for any subject or curriculum. Through the Project Pals platform educators will track, monitor, and guide student progress while students work collaboratively. This is all done through a easy-to-use visual interface that helps students organize and collaborate on their projects. Project Pals is a great tool for educators to not only use for group projects but to asses student learning as well.
Finally, Project Pals has a wide range of resources for educators such as: lesson plans, eBooks, and more. Teachers can find a vast array of common core aligned already created projects to help integrate Project Pals intro the classroom. Educators can even use existing rubrics or create their own to use w/ detailed reports generated by Project Pals making it easy to differentiate instruction.
Below is a brief demo...
I highly recommend checking out Project Pals by clicking here!!!
Teachers can sign up for a free license by clicking here!!!
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