Wednesday, January 6, 2021



*Circly's collaboration features make it an ideal tool for "remote learning" while schools are closed down due to the virus.  Students can even use it to do group projects from home.

Circly is a wonderful new graphic organizers that educators can use to brainstorm, manage tasks, create collaborative group projects, Venn diagrams and more.  Circly, is uses a drag-n-drop interface making it easy to use as well as lets the user change colors of circles to maximize data points.  Finally, the most unique feature of Circly lets users collaborate in real-time w/ built-in video caller lets user work in groups remotely.  This is a great feature for educators looking to do more group
projects as well work w/ peers remotely.

*Circly is one of the 50 nominated for the Blue Tulip Awards Education and Work Section in the Netherlands, and one of the Top Sites/Apps of 2020 in Technology & Learning magazine.

Check out how smooth Circly's "ZOOM" feature works...

I highly recommend checking out Circly by clicking here!!!

Circly's latest press release details how they can help classrooms get over the COVID-19 pandemic.

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