It appears that I'm at a crossroads in my professional life. Today I just received the official word that I'm being let go as of the end of the week. The reason for this is out of my control but due to a technology restructure and economical downturn.
This news did not come as a surprise to me but it still unsettling none the less. While I haven't talked about it much to the "online" world some of my closest members of my PLN are aware of this and have truly been wonderful, and I thank them for that.
I feel like that w/ my experience, resume, and portfolio that I should be able to find another job if there is one, and that's a big IF. Now is not the time anyone wants to be unemployed and I know there are millions of people out there in the same boat as I am.
Anyway, I'm hoping maybe a reader or somebody who comes across this post might have a projective lead for me. If anybody out there does know of any technology Integration/Specialist job, I'd be forever grateful.
Here is my digital portfolio which sums up what I do quite nicely... always thank you very much for your time and reading as this blog would nothing w/out the people who come here and contribute!!