Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spelling City

Spelling City is a wonderful site for all things Vocabulary and Spelling related.  A teacher can sign up for an account and create spelling lists to give to their students.  These lists can be customized into educational games and can be uses in Spelling or Vocab tests.  Also, there are lots of teacher resources such as lesson plans, worksheets, and printables.

I highly recommend checking out Spelling City by clicking here!!!

Spelling City is a paid advertiser for Technology Tidbits.

1 comment:

  1. Now VocabularySpellingCity is a great recommendation. Elementary students love practicing their words using fun games like HangMouse and Letterfall. Teachers like the convenience of being able to generate handwriting printables with the lists or writing assignments with the lists of words. If you have enough computers or centers, you can give all your tests on the computer with automated record keeping


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