educatorsAPP is a free site that turns teacher's websites into mobile apps for any platform. This is ideal for 21st Century Learning, Mobile Classroom, and those 1:1/BYOD districts that use mobile devices on a everyday basis. Best of all as a teacher updates their website the mobile app gets updated automatically.
I highly recommend checking out educatorsAPP
by clicking here!!!
"We may not have ended up where we intended to go, but we ended up where we needed to be." Douglas Adams
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Create your own App
Justin Holladay the man behind Math File Folder Games has designed an online course for teachers who want to learn how to create their own educational apps w/out needing to know programming. This is a fantastic inexpensive course that will guide teachers in the process of developing their apps from scratch into getting them on the App Store and being used by students in their class or around the world.
I highly recommend checking out this course entitled, Teacher Created Apps.
I highly recommend checking out this course entitled, Teacher Created Apps.
Super Teacher Worksheets

I highly recommend checking out Super Teacher Worksheets by clicking here!!!
*Super Teacher Worksheets is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I highly recommend checking out Flowboard by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Presentation/Slideshow Creators click here.

I highly recommend checking out SpellingCity by clicking here!!!
Monday, October 28, 2013

I highly recommend checking out 30hands by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Digital Storytelling Sites/Apps click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Digital Storytelling Sites/Apps click here.
*30hands Learning is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
Answer Pad updates
Answer Pad one of the best educational web tools/apps for turning a classroom paperless and flipping instruction has just released a bunch of updates. Rather then try to explain, I'll just copy/paste in the info from their email...
TAPit app update should be live by Monday.
Includes an update for Answer Pad+ users: Paperless solution. When you
create an answer sheet, if the teacher uploads the pdf file to the
library, when assigning the test, click the Display pdf box and the pdf
will be displayed on the iPad app for a paperless solution. The paper
test slides in on top of the answer sheet by clicking the pdf icon. The
sheet can be dragged around, altered in size, with zooming for text size
etc. It's pretty cool. We have this on the browser version, but we are
going to be updating the browser version to be the same as the iPad app-
it's much smoother.
Also, on the teacher side, just released: Again for Answer Pad+ users: Take an image that you have uploaded in the the Go Interactive Template library, or just use one of ours- you can now add test to it ( eg, Type in a question), or add a drawing to it before sending it out. An example of this is the coordinate grid. The teacher could take the grid, draw a shape on it, send it out and ask the students to draw the reflection. In addition you can also take an image and add an interactive response type to it. So you could take a graphic and add ABCD to it, a slider or a fill in for eg.
If you would like a brief demo on how to use Answer Pad w/ your class let me know!!!
I highly recommend checking out Answer Pad by clicking here!!!
Also, on the teacher side, just released: Again for Answer Pad+ users: Take an image that you have uploaded in the the Go Interactive Template library, or just use one of ours- you can now add test to it ( eg, Type in a question), or add a drawing to it before sending it out. An example of this is the coordinate grid. The teacher could take the grid, draw a shape on it, send it out and ask the students to draw the reflection. In addition you can also take an image and add an interactive response type to it. So you could take a graphic and add ABCD to it, a slider or a fill in for eg.
If you would like a brief demo on how to use Answer Pad w/ your class let me know!!!
I highly recommend checking out Answer Pad by clicking here!!!
Math Heroes 1

For more Yogome educational apps click here.
I highly recommend checking out Math Heroes 1 by clicking here!!!

I highly recommend checking out ClassDojo by clicking here!!!
Be sure to sign up and take the quick and easy tutorial to learn how to get started!!!
*ClassDojo is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.

I highly recommend checking out Educade by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Educational Resources click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Educational Resources click here.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Math File Folder Games
Math File Folder Games is easily one of my favorite companies for finding Math iOS based apps/games. These games are unique in that many of them are bluetooth enabled and can be played by multiple players at the same time on multiple devices. Also, every game has the ability to email scores so parents/teachers can see how a student is doing.
Here is a list of the different games available by MFFG...

(Cost: $1.99)
4 Dice: Fraction Games is a math app for middle school and upper elementary students. The goal of the game is to present fractions in a way that is both conducive to learning and fun. Read More Here

(Cost: $0.99)
Skip Math is a simple math game that helps practices skip counting. Skip Math is a a Doodle Jump style math game in which a girl or boy who jump from platform to platform counting by a certain number. Read more here

Hi, my name is Jack. I know you have all heard of me before, I'm the guy who climbs an enormous beanstalk to retrieve the princesses amulet. But today I would like to tell you the real story of HOW I was actually able to accomplish such a feat. Read more here
*Math File Folder Games is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
Here is a list of the different games available by MFFG...
5 Dice: Order of Operations Game
(Cost: FREE!)
5 Dice: Order of Operations Game is a math app intended for upper elementary and middle school students that helps students enjoy practicing their order of operations. Read More Here
5 Dice: Order of Operations Game is a math app intended for upper elementary and middle school students that helps students enjoy practicing their order of operations. Read More Here
4 Dice: Fraction Games

(Cost: $1.99)
4 Dice: Fraction Games is a math app for middle school and upper elementary students. The goal of the game is to present fractions in a way that is both conducive to learning and fun. Read More Here
Ordered Fractions: Comparing & Ordering Fractions
Ordered Fractions game begins by pressing the button that rolls the dice. Students then insert these numbers into the boxes on the board, which creates the fractions. Students then position the fractions in ascending order by comparing fractions. Read more here
Grid Lines: Ordered Pair Game
Grid Lines is a Battleship-style math app used to teach students the coordinate plane. Students will get practice plotting points on a coordinate plane by playing a game similar to Battleship. Read more here
Skip Math: Skip Counting Games

Skip Math is a simple math game that helps practices skip counting. Skip Math is a a Doodle Jump style math game in which a girl or boy who jump from platform to platform counting by a certain number. Read more here
Tangram Chess: Transformation Games
Tangram Chess For Kids, Translations (slides), Rotations (turns) and Reflections (flips). Every game of Tangram Chess has its own story. Some are long-drawn out strategic affairs; others can be quick, but complicated, tactical battles. The winner is the player who can out-think his or her opponent, and make the best plans for attack and defence. Read more here
Jack and the Beanstalk a Mathematical Adventure

Hi, my name is Jack. I know you have all heard of me before, I'm the guy who climbs an enormous beanstalk to retrieve the princesses amulet. But today I would like to tell you the real story of HOW I was actually able to accomplish such a feat. Read more here
*Math File Folder Games is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.

I highly recommend checking out EDpuzzle by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on a Flipped Classroom click here.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Mystery Math Museum
Mystery Math Museum is the sequel educational iOS app from the hugely popular Mystery Math Town. This is an excellent follow up to one of my favorite iOS Math apps for Game Based Learning. As w/ the first game Mystery Math Museum is a big adventure that has students exploring 8 different museums in a eccentric town. As they explore different museums they will have to solve basic Math problems that focus on skills such as: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Also, this game allows for multiple accounts which is ideal for schools and has a fantastic parent/teacher section where different skills can be set. This is ideal for Differentiated Instruction. Finally, MMM has a very high replay value as there are lots of different objects to find and secrets to unlock to keep students coming back for more.
I highly recommend checking out Mystery Math Museum by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Educational iOS Apps click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Educational iOS Apps click here.
For a brief demo view below....
I highly recommend checking out Mystery Math Museum by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Educational iOS Apps click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Educational iOS Apps click here.
For a brief demo view below....
differentiated instruction,
educational iOS,
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Power My Learning
Power My Learning is a site I've covered before but has just relaunched their site redesign w/ exciting new features for educators. This is a excellent site for finding educational activities for students such as: games, videos, interactives and more. Also, a educator can create their own "playlist" for a class or modify an existing one to meet their needs. Finally, PML has aligned activities to common core standards to make assigning/finding content easier.
I highly recommend checking out Power My Learning by clicking here!!
For my Pinterest board on Educational Online Games click here.
I highly recommend checking out Power My Learning by clicking here!!
For my Pinterest board on Educational Online Games click here.

I highly recommend checking out iPracticeMath by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board for Educational Online Games click here.
For my Edshelf collection for Educational Online Games click here.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Level it Books

I highly recommend checking out Level it Books by clicking here!!!
*Level it Books is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Halloween Heroes

I highly recommend checking out Halloween Heroes by clicking here!!!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Tiggly is a new product/toy designed for the iPad that will be in Apple stores Nov 5th. This is a fantastic learning tool for toddlers as it combines physical play w/ digital play. Having 4 kids myself we needed two iPads to meet the needs of the adults and our kids. They've been using them since about the age of 1 and it's prefect for developing their learning skills. This is where Tiggly comes in. This is an excellent product that helps children develop their spatial ability and shapes by placing Tiggly shapes on the iPad to interact w/ them.
Below is a brief demo of Tiggly in action...
I highly recommend checking out Tiggly by clicking here!!!
To buy Tiggly online click here.
Below is a brief demo of Tiggly in action...
I highly recommend checking out Tiggly by clicking here!!!
To buy Tiggly online click here.
Science Heroes 1
Science Heroes 1 is an excellent iOS app by one of my favorite Educational App companies Yogome. This is a great game that covers all the different parts of the digestive track (mouth, stomach, intestine, etc) and then has follow-up quizzes to make sure that students are learning. Also, SH has tutorials in both English and Spanish, 15 levels, and covers all 5 phases of digestion.
I highly recommend checking out Science Heroes 1 by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Educational iOS apps click here
Buncee is a innovative new (beta) site for creating interactive presentations/lessons. This is a fantastically simple site to use to create not only beautiful looking slideshows but e-cards, posters, and more. I like to think of it as a combination of Glogster, Smore, and Biteslide. Best of all a user can embed a Buncee (presentation) into their site/blog. Finally, there are a ton of educational resources to browse through such as: lessons, projects, flyers, etc.
Here are some ways Buncee can be used in the classroom (from their site)...
*A great learning tool for Blended or Project Based Learning, as well as Flipping a Classroom.
Here are some ways Buncee can be used in the classroom (from their site)...
*A great learning tool for Blended or Project Based Learning, as well as Flipping a Classroom.
- create interactive lessons or projects that flip your classroom in a fun and easy way
- introduce technology w/ Buncee projects and assignments that spark creativity and help support common core standards
- have students of any age easily create multimedia projects
- share engaging school event invites, or class news w/ students, parents, and the community.
Below is a brief demo...
I highly recommend checking out Buncee by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Web 2.0 click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Web 2.0 click here.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Toonia Storymaker
Toonia Storymaker is a fantastic iPad app for digital storytelling. This is a very user friendly app ideal for ages 4 on up. A student has the choice of up to 20 characters to choose from to start building their story. Also, there are lots of objects, animals, and backgrounds to choose from as well as 7 different themes of stories. A nice feature which helps up the replay value is the ability to unlock more objects/themes/features as one starts creating a story.
I highly recommend checking out Toonia Storymaker by clicking here!!!
Below is a brief demo...
For my Pinterest board on Digital Storytelling click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Digital Storytelling click here.
I highly recommend checking out Toonia Storymaker by clicking here!!!
Below is a brief demo...
For my Pinterest board on Digital Storytelling click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Digital Storytelling click here.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Playback is an excellent iPad app for creating screencasts. This is done by giving a user an interactive whiteboard to edit on. Also, a user can annotate over existing slides for Guided Learning. Best of all, a educator has the option to narrate their recordings which is ideal for Flipping a Classroom or for creating presentations such as a Pecha Kucha. All finished movies can then be exported into mp4 files or uploaded into Dropbox.
I highly recommend checking out Playback by clicking here!!!
*Thanks to the wonderful educator Naomi Harm for sharing this find.
For my Pinterest board on Flipping a Classroom click here.
I highly recommend checking out Playback by clicking here!!!
*Thanks to the wonderful educator Naomi Harm for sharing this find.
For my Pinterest board on Flipping a Classroom click here.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Math Live

I highly recommend checking out Math Live by clicking here!!!
Student Lance

would cost for them to help a student.
I highly recommend checking out Student Lance by clicking here!!
For my Pinterest board on Online Tutoring/Teaching click here.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Excellent Resources for Project Based Learning
"Project-based learning is considered an alternative to paper-based, rote memorization, teacher-led classrooms. Proponents of project-based learning cite numerous benefits to the implementation of these strategies in the classroom including a greater depth of understanding of concepts, broader knowledge base, improved communication and interpersonal/social skills, enhanced leadership skills, increased creativity, and improved writing skills. (Wikipedia)" PBL or Project Based Learning is a method of teaching that has been around for a long time that is getting more and more attention due to all the tools technology leads itself to. Basically, PBL allows for teachers to "ask" a question that allows students to solve in a variety of a ways using many different analytical methods. Since, Project Based Learning incorporates a lot of different techniques and tools to use I've decided to create a list of resources rather then just one of sites or apps.
Excellent Resources for Project Based Learning
Definitions/Explanations/Introductions- What is PBL - Great definition from the Buck Institute from Education (BIE)
- 7 Essentials for PBL - a top notch list from ASCD
- LifePractice PBL - A fantastic resource created by Kevin Honeycutt & Ginger Lewman that is ideal for K-12 that seamlessly fuses PBL w/ technology and a 21st Century learning environment.
- PBL in Hand - a nice site/lesson created by educational app (Stick Around) creator/educator Tony Vincent
- Lesson Plans - a robust collection of lesson plans from Lesson Planet designed around PBL
- Share My Lesson - Share My Lesson is a free website created by the American Federation of Teachers and TES Connect.
- Introduction to PBL - a great video from Edutopia
- PBL explained - a excellent video by BIE (Buck Institute from Education)
- Introduction to PBL - a nice resource w/ examples of Project Based Learning by Global SchoolNet
- Checklists/rubrics - a nice collection of resources to ensure success for PBL
- PBL w/ iPads - a excellent resource w/ list of apps for using iPads w/ PBL
- Cybraryman's Internet Catalogue - one of the best all around places for finding resources on not only PBL but anything
- iPad Bootcamp for Teachers - a nice site for explaining how to use iPads for PBL
- An Inside Look on how PBL Actually Works - a terrific article by Edudemic w/ videos on how PBL is being used in school districts
- Project Based Learning - a great resource on PBL w/ videos, tutorials, rubrics, and more by the New Tech Network
Earth 101

I highly recommend checking out Earth 101 by clicking here!!!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Alchemy SmartBinder
Alchemy SmartBinder is a new (beta) site/teaching tool that is great for creating digital lessons and then assessing student data. This is done via a very easy to use web interface that allows educators embed any kind of media/file content into a lesson and share them w/ students. Since SmartBinder is browser based it works on any mobile device and is ideal for Flipping a Classroom. Finally, once a lesson is completed teachers get instant real-time data which is ideal for assessing students performance.
I highly recommend checking out Alchemy SmartBinder by clicking here!!!
Below is a brief demo....
For my Pinterest board on Flipping a Classroom click here.
I highly recommend checking out Alchemy SmartBinder by clicking here!!!
Below is a brief demo....
For my Pinterest board on Flipping a Classroom click here.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
SimCity EDU
SimCity EDU is a new (beta) fantastic site for GBL (Game Based Learning) based on the popular PC game, SimCity. This is a safe site for students where they can go to create cities and strengthen their skills in many areas such as: Math, Science, Civics, Economics, and more. Also, this is a great place to find lesson plans based on SimCity aligned to Common Core Standards.

I highly recommend checking out SimCity EDU by clicking here!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013
Grade Inifinity
Grade Infinity is a nice new site for parents or students looking to learn any number of subjects. This doesn't specifically need to be for education but can be for learning something such as programming or magic. Once a person finds a topic they are interested in they can find a number of resources such as: links, video, apps, etc.
I recommend checking out Grade Infinity by clicking here!!
I recommend checking out Grade Infinity by clicking here!!
LifeDojo is a wonderful resource/curriculum for Phys Ed/Health teachers and anyone else interested in leading a healthy lifestyle. This is all done through engaging interactive videos (ie, Atomic Learning). Best of all teachers can track and assess students progress as they complete lessons and quizzes.
I highly recommend checking out LifeDojo by clicking here!!!
Below is a brief demo...
I highly recommend checking out LifeDojo by clicking here!!!
Below is a brief demo...
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Time Machine: Age of the Emperors

I highly recommend checking out Time Machine: Age of the Emperors by clicking here!!!

I highly recommend checking out Nuskool by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Web 2.0 click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Web 2.0 click here.
Friday, October 4, 2013

I recommend checking out eStoryStudio by clicking here!!
For my Pinterest board on Digital Storytelling click here.
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Quandary has just released their mobile app which not only allows students to play on a mobile device but also allows them to create their own characters.
I highly recommend checking out Quandary by clicking here!!!
For the free Quandary iPad app click here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Educational iOS Apps click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Educational iOS Apps click here.

The way this works is by creating a document and then having a real-time chat going on to collaborate. There are other nice features such as commenting and setting permissions on who can and can't view/edit. Also, this works in a browser so can be used on any device.
I highly recommend checking out Lucidpress by clicking here!!!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Edshelf News
Edshelf one of my favorite educational sites for curating the web has just teamed up w/ Balefire Labs another excellent curation site to make it easier to find top quality educational apps. As of right now it is in the beginning stages of this exciting partnership where users will find a Balefire Top Rated badge on certain apps in Edshelf's collection. Click here for an example.
Faces iMake ABC
Faces iMake ABC is a wonderful iPad app by iMagine Machine for PreK-KDG/toddlers wanting to learn their letters/alphabet. There are lots of apps that do this but what makes Faces so great is how interactive it is for kids. A user has two choices either to learn the letters or find a letter. The learning part has a kid tap a letter, here it pronounced, and then try to put together a picture associated w/ that letter. The find a letter is a great way for kids to associate words w/ a letter such as D for Dog.
Right now I have my 2 yr old playing this and she loves it, but also I'll use it w/ my 4 yr who started KDG this year to help reinforce the alphabet which he is learning in school.
I highly recommend checking out Faces iMake ABC by clicking here!!!
Below is a brief demo...
For my Pinterest boards on Educational iOS Apps click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Educational iOS Apps click here.
Right now I have my 2 yr old playing this and she loves it, but also I'll use it w/ my 4 yr who started KDG this year to help reinforce the alphabet which he is learning in school.
I highly recommend checking out Faces iMake ABC by clicking here!!!
Below is a brief demo...
For my Pinterest boards on Educational iOS Apps click here.
For my Edshelf collection on Educational iOS Apps click here.
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