Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Entri is a nice free site for collaborating on a document. W/ a click of a button a user can create a document and then share it w/ others to collaborate on. Some other nice features are syncing w/ Twitter and the ability to generate an html code to embed into a site.

I highly recommend giving Entri a site by clicking here!!!

Thanks to Richard Byrne's wonderful blog for the tip!


  1. Hi, I have a question for you and a thought. I've been reading your blog for a few months now and I just wanted to tell you I really enjoy it and use a lot of the ideas you share with my fifth graders. I have a list of things you shared with us this summer I can't wait to try. So thank you for that.

    I can't find a place on your blog to write just to you. Is it hiding in plain site? If I find a site to share with you what's the best way to get it there?




  2. Jim, thanks for the comments, and I'll add that to my profile, my email is kapd6@aol.com or dkapuler@gmail.com


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