PeopleRooms is a new (private beta) site for creating a joining virtual rooms. In these rooms people can share files, video conference, and more. Also, this is a nice place to control all your social networks in one place.
I recommend checking out PeopleRooms by clicking here.
Below is a brief demo video...
"We may not have ended up where we intended to go, but we ended up where we needed to be." Douglas Adams
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Shared Copy

I recommend checking out Shared Copy by clicking here!
For my top 10 sites for bookmarking and annotating webpages click here.
Thanks to Richard Byrne's blog for the tip.

I highly recommend checking out CyQuiz by clicking here!!
For my top 10 sites for creating quizzes click here.
interactive.i is a site I just found out about from Free Technology 4 Teachers. This is a fun site for creating a room that others can chat (via text) and draw. It's simple to use and is easy to share w/ others once a room is created via a unique URL.
I recommend checking out interactive.i by clicking here.
I recommend checking out interactive.i by clicking here.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I recommend checking out PageFin by clicking here.
Thanks to Free Technology 4 Teachers for the tip!!
For my top 10 sites for creating a website click here.
For my Pinterest boards on Website Creators click here.
Online Math Contests
Online Math
Contests for Students
For students who love math
and want the chance to go above and beyond the typical classroom experience in
that subject, or for a teacher looking to spice up her math instruction from
the comfort of her own classroom, an online math contest might be ideal. Here are three excellent online math
contest websites for students of various ages.
· The Online Math League offers team and individual
competitions for students in 2nd grade through Algebra. Participants compete in three online contests
throughout the school year. Scores
may be posted online (anonymously or with students’ first names and last
initials), awards are offered to high-scoring teams, and a vast practice area
of additional online contests is offered as well. (Cost: $99/year.)
Educontest offers team competitions in 3rd grade through
Advanced Math. Participants
compete in four contests throughout the school year. Scores may be posted online, and awards are offered to high
scoring teams. The contests and
practice tests are both pencil/paper only, however. (Cost: $80-90/year.)
· The
Math League offers team competitions in 4th grade through a generic
“high school” level. 4th
grade through Algebra contests run once a year and cost $40 per class. The high school level contests run 6
times per year and cost $90 per class.
Beginning this year, the Math League allows students to compete and take
practice tests both online or on paper.
Awards are provided for high scoring teams and individuals.
The three contests above
are all housed online and can be completed from a child’s home or school. For students willing and able to
travel, contests like the Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle
Schools and MATHCOUNTS are also highly recommended.
About the Author:
Neven Jurkovic’s interest
in teaching mathematics with technology developed while pursuing a Master of
Science degree at Southwest Texas State University. Apart from publishing a
number of papers on the application of artificial intelligence in elementary
mathematics problem solving, Neven is the creator of Algebrator, a widely used math tutoring software. Currently,
he lives in San Antonio, TX and is the CEO of Softmath:
Monday, May 28, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Yahoo Axis

I recommend checking out Yahoo Axis by clicking here!!

I highly recommend checking out TinyTap by clicking here!!

I highly recommend checking out Meograph by clicking here!!
Thanks to Free Technology 4 Teachers for the tip.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Musicshake EDU
Musicshake EDU is a site I've blogged about in the past but wanted to revisit due to it's ease of use for education. This is a site designed to bring music to every student in a school via web browser for a very low price. These audio files/music are created by students in the browser and turned into WAV or MP3's and are very easy to create.
I recommend checking out Musicshake by clicking here!!!
I recommend checking out Musicshake by clicking here!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I recommend checking out FindTheBest by clicking here.

I recommend checking out Learnist by clicking here!!
Thanks to Richard Byrne's blog for the tip.
Spokenlayer is a free iOS app for an iPhone which turns any text/article into audio. This is ideal for those that like to multi-task and listen to one thing while doing another. I can also see this being used in Spec Ed classes or ELL/ESL classes for those that have trouble reading/seeing.
I recommend checking out Spokenlayer by clicking here!!
I recommend checking out Spokenlayer by clicking here!!

I highly recommend checking out BeeclipEDU by clicking here!!!

I recommend checking out by clicking here!!
For my top 20 social networks for education click here.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
PortfolioGen is a great site for creating online portfolios for teachers. A teacher can create a custom URL for sharing as well uploading, certifications, photos, documents, resumes, etc. I like to think of it as a cross between VisualCV and Linkedin.
I recommend checking out PortfolioGen by clicking here.
Thanks to Free Technology 4 Teachers for the tip.
I recommend checking out PortfolioGen by clicking here.
Thanks to Free Technology 4 Teachers for the tip.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Ask the Owls
Ask the Owls is a new site that I learned about from, Free Technology 4 Teachers. This is a great site for online tutoring/teaching. A educator can create a course and then teach via a webcam. Once the course is created it can be shared online w/ others for social learning. Also, ATO is a nice site for finding online courses for subjects you are interested in.
I recommend checking out Ask the Owls by clicking here!!
For my top 10 sites for online tutoring/teaching click here.
I recommend checking out Ask the Owls by clicking here!!
For my top 10 sites for online tutoring/teaching click here.
Friday, May 18, 2012

I recommend checking out QuizSlides by clicking here!!
For my top 10 sites for creating a quiz click here.
Thursday, May 17, 2012

I highly recommend checking out GoClass by clicking here!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
15 Sites for Creating Flashcards
"A flashcard or flash card is a set of cards bearing information, as words or numbers, on either or both sides, used in classroom drills or in private study. One writes a question on a card and an answer overleaf. Flashcards can bearvocabulary, historical dates, formulas or any subject matter that can be learned via a question and answer format. Flashcards are widely used as a learning drill to aidmemorization by way of spaced repetition. (wikipedia)" Flashcards are used by students and educators everyday and are one of the most popular ways to learn a subject/topic. The internet makes this learning tool even easier through the use of dedicated websites that allow for flashcard creation, collaboration, and more.
15 Sites for Creating Flashcards
15 Sites for Creating Flashcards
- Braineos - A fun site for students to create flashcards to play educational games on a wide variety of subjects.
- CoboCards - A nice site and mobile app for creating and sharing flashcards. Also, a great way to collaborate w/ others.
- Ediscio - A great site for creating flashcards and arranging them into boxes.
- Fauxflash - A wonderful site for creating flashcards and searching through educational categories. These flashcards can contain images as well.
- Flashcard Flash - A innovative search engine designed for finding publicly shared flashcards.
- FlashCardFriends - A nice site for creating flashcard. Also, FCF is a social networking site which allows for collaboration as well as the ability to edit existing decks.
- Quizlet - A neat little site for creating flashcards which is ideal for studying vocabulary, languages, or more. Also, a nice site for playing studying games.
- Smash Cards - An innovative site that uses augmented reality for creating flashcards for English and Reading.
- Social Decks - A nice site for sharing flashcards via a unique URL that allows others to edit.
- Study Blue - A great site for creating flashcards from photos, audio, or notes and then sharing w/ others. Also, a SB has a wonderful mobile app for studying on the go.
- Study Shuffle - One of the best sites for creating flashcards that teachers can use to track students progress.
- Study Stack - A nice all in one solution for creating and studying flashcards. Also, there are lots of educational "stacks" to browse through.
- Word Dynamo - A excellent site for creating flashcards. Also, a user can take quizzes, view study guides, play games, and more.
- Yappr - A nice online community for creating a flashcard or quiz.
- Zendo - A great site for turning notes into flashcards.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Zoho Sites
Zoho Sites is a new site by the creators of the Zoho Suite (online learning tools) that allows users to create free web pages. This is ideal for educators and is a nice alternative to Google Sites/Weebly/etc. Also, ZS is very easy to use, has stunning looking themes/templates (Blue Fume rocks!!), and even allows for blogging. (FYI, a paid PRO account offers for more features).
I recommend checking out Zoho Sites by clicking here!!
Thanks to David Andrade's wonderful blog for the tip!!
For my top 10 sites for creating a website click here.
BacciZ is a company dedicated to creating educational iOS apps. They have a lot of apps that are great for interactive storytelling such as: Rapunzel 3D, Old Macdonald had a Farm, etc. Also, this company has apps for other subjects such as educational games, writing, etc.
I highly recommend checking out BacciZ by clicking here!!
I highly recommend checking out BacciZ by clicking here!!

I recommend checking out BubbaBox by clicking here.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Flashcard Flash

I recommend checking out Flashcard Flash by clicking here!!
Thanks to Richard Byrne for the tip.
GCF - Free Online Learning
GCF is a great site for free online learning tutorials that I found out about from, The Educational Technology Guy. These tutorials cover a wide range of topics such as: Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc. Also, these tutorials are broken up into video segments that may contain interactives. Also, a user can complete a quiz after each tutorial for self assessment.
I highly recommend checking out GCF by clicking here!!
For my top 10 sites for self help technology, click here.
I highly recommend checking out GCF by clicking here!!
For my top 10 sites for self help technology, click here.
TalkMiner is a site I just found out about from Free Technology 4 Teachers. This is a great site that aggregates lecture videos. The way this works is it searches videos for text, slides, metadata, etc and then indexes the video and aggregates it to best suit the viewers needs.
I highly recommend checking out TalkMiner by clicking here!!!
I highly recommend checking out TalkMiner by clicking here!!!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Skype in the Classroom Sweepstakes

Here are more details...
"Skype just announced a new sweepstakes that gives
teachers around the world the opportunity to bring Steve Harvey, James
Patterson, Jackie Collins, Dylan and Cole Sprouse (Zack & Cody
stars), or Twilight’s Tinsel Korey face-to-face with
their students via a Skype video call."
Here’s how teachers can enter on Facebook:
- ‘Like’ Skype in the classroom’s Facebook page
- Sign up for Skype in the Classroom (if you are not already a registered member)
- Describe in 150 words or less the ways they currently use or would use Skype in their classroom
For more info click here!!
Skoolbo is a wonderful free online game that focuses on kids 4-10 yrs old literacy and math skills. This is done by playing a wide variety of games in a fun/safe online world. There is also a parent/teacher dashboard which allows for student tracking and more.
I recommend checking out Skoolbo by clicking here!!!
I recommend checking out Skoolbo by clicking here!!!

Here is more info from their promotional email...
"Nearpod is an all-in-one mobile teaching solution that give educators the ability to create lessons, direct those lessons on students' mobile devices, receive real-time feedback on how students are interacting with their lessons, and monitor class or individual progress. It is quite revolutionary! You can download it and use it for free at
With the Content Tool, teachers can create
interactive presentations with drawing, writing, and quiz activities and
more, or use existing lessons - aligned to Common Core State Standards -
from content providers like Khan Academy and TED
Education. From the Nearpod Teacher Dashboard app on their iPads,
teachers can share lessons with students who have the Nearpod Student
app, and monitor how kids are progressing through lessons, freeing
teachers to provide support to struggling students and
challenge excelling students, making personalized learning a reality.
Using the Reporting Tool lets teachers analyze classroom and student
progress and create reports."
I highly recommend checking out Nearpod by clicking here!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Spreaker is a site I just found out about from Free Technology 4 Teachers. This is a great site for broadcasting a live or recorded podcast. It has a very user friendly interface for recording audio, and mixing in effects and music. Also, Spreaker interacts w/ social networking sites making it easy to share podcasts w/ your audience/followers.
I highly recommend checking out Spreaker by clicking here!!!
I highly recommend checking out Spreaker by clicking here!!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I recommend checking out IconBug by clicking here!!!
Thanks to Richard Byrne's blog for the tip!!
For my top 15 sites for images and clip art for education click here.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Gymnasium for the Brain
Gymnasium for the Brain is a site I just found out about from Edgalaxy. This is a nice site for educational games/activities to help stimulate the brain. Ideally, this site is geared toward helping students solve math problems but there is much more, such as: puzzles, patterns, etc.
I recommend checking out Gymnasium for the Brain by clicking here!!
I recommend checking out Gymnasium for the Brain by clicking here!!
Monday, May 7, 2012

I highly recommend checking out Memplai by clicking here!!
For my top 10 sites for creating/editing video click here. FYI, Jaycut is no longer in service.
Letter Bubbles

I recommend checking out Letter Bubbles by clicking here.

I highly recommend checking out DabbledooMusic by clicking here!!

I recommend checking out Vook by clicking here!!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Film Story

For a more detailed review check out Free Technology 4 Teachers.
I highly recommend checking out Film Story by clicking here!!!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Gather Education
Gather Education is a new site in private beta that I wanted to share. This is a great place to teach online classes in a secure environment. However, this requires a Microsoft Kinect 360 and iPad or Windows table to work.
I recommend checking out Gather Education by clicking here.
I recommend checking out Gather Education by clicking here.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I highly recommend checking out SpellingCity by clicking here!!
SpellingCity is a paid advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
Lure of the Labyrinth

I highly recommend checking out Lure of the Labyrinth by clicking here!!!
For another innovative math game, I highly recommend checking out DimensionU.
Lectrio is a new (beta) free LMS for education. This is an ideal site for creating online courses and materials for students. This is done w/ an easy to use interface and allows educators to upload content such as YouTube videos, Slideshare presentations and more. Also, it is built around Google Docs so is simple to integrate w/ Google Tools as well. Other features include the ability to take attendance, assessments via reporting, etc.
I highly recommend checking out Lectrio by clicking here!!!
I highly recommend checking out Lectrio by clicking here!!!
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