Answer Pad one of the best educational web tools/apps for turning a classroom paperless and flipping instruction has just released a bunch of updates. Rather then try to explain, I'll just copy/paste in the info from their email...

TAPit app update should be live by Monday.
Includes an update for Answer Pad+ users: Paperless solution. When you
create an answer sheet, if the teacher uploads the pdf file to the
library, when assigning the test, click the Display pdf box and the pdf
will be displayed on the iPad app for a paperless solution. The paper
test slides in on top of the answer sheet by clicking the pdf icon. The
sheet can be dragged around, altered in size, with zooming for text size
etc. It's pretty cool. We have this on the browser version, but we are
going to be updating the browser version to be the same as the iPad app-
it's much smoother.
Also, on the teacher side, just released: Again for Answer Pad+ users:
Take an image that you have uploaded in the the Go Interactive Template
library, or just use one of ours- you can now add test to it ( eg, Type
in a question), or add a drawing to it before sending it out. An
example of this is the coordinate grid. The teacher could take the grid,
draw a shape on it, send it out and ask the students to draw the
reflection. In addition you can also take an image and add an
interactive response type to it. So you could take a graphic and add
ABCD to it, a slider or a fill in for eg.
If you would like a brief demo on how to use Answer Pad w/ your class let me know!!!
I highly recommend checking out Answer Pad by clicking
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