Loop is an interesting new student response system that I just found out about from Richard Byrne's blog. The way this works is by educators creating an online classroom and then posting questions for students to answer. Students can then respond via a emoji, words, or selecting an answer. This is a great way for educators to assess student learning and even differentiate instruction.
I highly recommend checking out Loop by clicking here!!!
BoomWriter is a terrific site that I’ve written about many times because it lets elementary, middle, and high school teachers conduct non-fiction, fiction, and vocabulary development group-writing/collaborative activities in almost any subject area. BoomWriter is an innovative learning tool that educators everywhere are using for project based learning and turn students into published writers.
Standards-based Rubrics! Boomwriter has made Argument/Opinion, Information/Explanatory, and Personal Narrative rubrics that will resonate with and prove useful to any teacher regardless of the state or region they may teach in.
Makes Grading Easy!! BoomWriter has done a very clever job of overlaying the rubrics and grading feature atop the individual student’s submission. This allows the teacher to look at the work and the performance descriptor simultaneously before then applying the grade/score with a single click.
Capture Student Writing Data!!! If the first two reasons were not convincing enough, this one should seal the deal. Are you frustrated by having to wait until the following school year when the standardized testing results arrive to learn how your students’ writing is progressed? Not particularly helpful, is it? BoomWriter PRO lets teachers capture whole class and individual student writing data in real time before then presenting it to the teacher in a highly visual and easy to interpret manner. This allows you to identify any potential writing instruction ‘blindspots’ that you may need to address with your class, as well as the ability to consistently assess and monitor the progress of each individual student in your class in all areas of writing throughout the entire school year.
I highly recommend checking out BoomWriter by clicking here!!! *BoomWriter is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
DataCamp is a free mobile (iOS/Google Play) to learn coding for: SQL, Python, and more. This is done through a game based learning interface through 5 min courses. This is a great way to integrate STEM into the classroom and learn more advanced programming/coding languages.
I highly recommend checking out DataCamp by clicking here!!!
Chronicle Cloud is an innovative educational all-in-one iOS app for teachers. Educators can use Chronicle Cloud in a number of different ways such as: assessing (using their "traffic light" system), note-taking, providing feedback, and much much more. Also, being on the "cloud" teachers can collaborate and share best "teaching" practices in an easy way.
I highly recommend checking out Chronicle Cloud by clicking here!!!
*Chronicle Cloud is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
AR-kid: Space is an excellent iOS app for kids ages 4 on up and uses augmented reality to teach about Space. This is done through a robot named Cosmo who narrates through 4 different aspect of space: (i.e. rocket, orbit, moon, and solar system). This is all done using augmented reality where a kid interacts w/ virtual rockets, moon landings, etc.
I highly recommend checking out AR-kid: Space by clicking here!!!
Modern Chalkboard is a wonderful new free site for finding SMART board resources. This is a great place to find interactive lessons on a wide variety of subjects such as: Math, Grammar, Science, Social Studies, and more Also, this is a nice place to find other resources such as links and help files.
I highly recommend checking out Modern Chalkboard by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Educational Resources click here.
*Modern Chalkboard is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
Walnut is a excellent new site/app for finding educational videos and then taking quizzes to assess learning. This is done through a very easy-to-use interface where all the videos are curated for education where student's can then take quizzes that uses a game based learning interface. Best of all, Walnut makes it easy for teachers to assess student learning and differentiate instruction.
below is a brief demo...
I highly recommend checking out Walnut by clicking here!!!
Photos for Class is an excellent site that is ideal for finding safe images for students. This search engine uses Flickr safe search as well as some built in filtering to find Creative Common licensed images. Best of all when a user clicks download the image gets cited automatically w/ the proper licensing terms.
I highly recommend checking out Photos for Class by clicking here!!!
For my Pinterest board on Educational Images click here.
Mobile Permissions is a fantastic new free tool for educators to virtual send parents permissions slips. Mobile Permissions makes it easy for teachers to send any type of permission slip form to a parents/guardians phone or mobile device. They can then electronically sign and submit payment while educators can track/monitor to it all from their teacher portal. Finally, they can reuse already created slips for future periods or classes.
I highly recommend checking out Mobile Permissions by clicking here!!!
NameCoach is a wonderful web service that educators are using to learn student's names and pronounce them correctly. This is especially useful w/ school starting up and teachers want to learn the correct way to pronounce their student's names. The way this works is simple as a teacher creates a name/web page and then has the student's speak their names. The audio gets embedded into a page and a user can access them all on one page at anytime. Also, NameCoach makes it very easy to share recordings and keep track of student's name/email. It's easy, accurate, and 100% safe for schools to use.
I highly recommend checking out NameCoach by clicking here!!!
Below is a brief demo...
*NameCoach is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.educational resources
Dystopia 2153 is an innovative new site for coding/programming that I just found out about from Monica Burns. Dystopia is a fresh take on teaching STEM skills by helping kids learn how to code through a digital graphic novel w/ over 40 different coding games. Also, for those that like "traditional" graphic novel a print version can be ordered.
I highly recommend checking out Dystopia 2153 by clicking here!!!
Otus is a all-in-one mobile learning solution for schools that combines the best features of a: learning management system, data management system, and more. The sleek new design, allows for easier functionality, a brighter customizable color interface, and real-time analytics and third party integration (i.e. Khan Academy), and of course Otus Worksheets,
Here is a list of some of their features...
Cleaner Interface: A polished, streamlined functionality lets users more easily navigate existing features including polling for instant feedback, a real-time assessment center, blogging capabilities and classroom organization tools.
Real-Time Analytics: A comprehensive analytics dashboard integrates a wide range of performance indicators into one place, including content from select third-party apps like Khan Academy. Teachers can link data to Common Core State Standards or integrate their own custom standards to report on. Otus tracks a variety of data like attendance, participation, student blogs, assessments and grades. In addition, teachers can also create and track meaningful behaviors like grit, leadership and staying on task through Otus ‘Recognitions’. Because Otus logs all student activity in real-time, teachers can quickly gauge their impact on student growth and provide timely, constructive feedback.
Toolbox: Otus functions as an open, interoperable educational ecosystem allowing teachers to integrate and quickly access the third party apps and content that they use everyday in their classroom. Any Otus user can access free third-party apps or content. If third-party apps and content require a subscription, the subscriber must simply link their account to Otus and they will never have to sign-in to access it again.
Colorful Work Environments: Now teachers and students can choose from a variety of theme and background color options to create a more personalized, vibrant work environment.
New Lesson Builder - makes it easier then ever to create, share, and view learning activities
Differentiate Instruction - now easier w/ more efficient tools
Side by Side - new view for for rubrics w/ documents, better organization, and synced calendars
New Student Profile
Browser Lockdowns
Video Feedbacks - great for leaving feedback and more personalized for students then just reading comments.
Schedule Assessments - a nice feature to let teachers have control of when they want to assess students/assignments
Below is a brief demo...
I highly recommend checking out Otus by clicking here!!!
For more information check out Otus on Technology and Learning.
I Know It is a fantastic site for interactive Math lessons grades K-5th. This is a super fun easy to use site for practice on a wide range of topics, such as: place value, multiplication, counting coins, time, and more. Best of all, I Know It allows educators to assign lessons and track student progress to make it easy to differentiate instruction.
I highly recommend checking out I Know It by clicking here!!!
Chegg has long be one of my favorite sites for buying, selling, or renting textbooks/eBooks as well as finding homework help. Recently, they just announced the launch of their new site Cheg Prep, which is fantastic for creating and finding flashcards. Chegg has acquired StudyBlue which was one of the world's leading flashcard creators for education. Students and teachers can create multimedia flashcards as well as search through over millions of flashcards already created on any given subject for free.
I highly recommend checking out Chegg Prep by clicking here!!!
Answerables the innovative educational tool that combines the best features of game based learning w/ a learning management system has just released their free iPad app. Answerables is being used by educators in a variety of ways from collaborating w/ other classes, to browsing the web, all in a secure 3D virtual environment.
Answerables is used as a:
• Virtual classroom • Lesson planner • Learning manager • Quest creator • Resource manager • Web browser (managed) • Social Network • Student portfolio • Presentation space
Features include:
• Multiplayer game environment • Learning management system • Quests and badges • Assessment tools • Analytics • Resource/Content management system • Web browser • Secure audio/video streaming I highly recommend checking out Answerables by clicking here!!! Below is a brief demo... For another detailed review check out Monica Burn's excellent blog by clicking here!!! *Answerables is an advertiser of Technology Tidbits.
Math Attax is a super-fun free mobile (iOS/Google Play) Math game that helps students w/ their basic Math skills (i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.). This is a 2 player game where students move their player up/down a grid while trying to shoot the correct answer to a equation. Also, they can freeze the other player and reset their score. The first to reach the target number at the bottom of the screen wins. Also, there is a tournament mode w/ three different games.
I highly recommend checking out Math Attax by clicking here!!!
Boddle is a new online platform that uses Game Base Learning to help teach core subjects to students. Right now Boddle is in a pilot phase where they only have Math (grades 1st-6th) but will be adding more subjects soon. Best of all, Boddle has an educational portal which tracks students progress, generates detailed reports, and makes it easy to differentiate instruction.
Below is a brief demo...
I highly recommend checking out Boddle Learning by clicking here!!!
Knoword is a super fun Vocabulary game that I just found out about from Richard Byrne's blog. The way this works is definitions are given w/ the starting letter of the word while a timer counts down. The player tries to answer as many correct words by typing/spelling them correctly before the timer runs out. Best of all, there is a teacher portal where educators can create their own "word" packs to integrate w/ their curriculum as well as track student data.
I highly recommend checking out Knoword by clicking here!!!
DOGOnews is an excellent site for creating Reading assignments for grades K-8 that can then be integrated into Google Classroom. This is done through 1000s of curated educated articles in a wide variety of subjects (i.e. Science, History, Current Events, etc.) where educators can then select lesson plans, create assignments, and help students increase their Reading and Vocabulary skills.
Below is a brief demo...
I highly recommend checking out DOGOnews for teachers by clicking here!!!