Keep in mind the questions might change from time to time (especially as technology changes), and I'm looking to provide other formats as well (audio/video).
I hope you all find this to be a fun/exciting journey as we get to learn a bit more about each other and why we love technology & education.
Greg Limperis
Site: http://tech-in-ed.ning.com/

- Where do you live? Derry/NH/USA
- How long have you been working w/ technology/education? 13 years
- What OS/platform do you use for your work? Windows
- What is your favorite Web 2.0/21st Century Tool and why? Ning. There are many possibilities for the integration of this tool in education.
- What is the biggest misconception about technology? Social networks are dangerous for students to use in school.
- What are the biggest hurdles you face as a technology educator? Administration and it's lack of knowledge about the true potential of technology if implemented properly.
- What has been your biggest success in technology integration? This past summer I worked a summer school program where I was the tech facilitator for a literature circle program. In the program,we created a ning network with groups for each class. On the ning we posted pictures, audio, video comics created in pixton and toondoo, glogs from glogster and much more.
- What has been your biggest setback in technology integration? This year my district is blocking all game sites, social sites and all downloads.
- Who/what has been your biggest inspiration in technology/education? Steve Hargadon has given me many new ideas and resources.
- Where do you see technology integration heading in the future? With the proper funding and training education will soon start to be naturally integrated into the daily learning with tools such as google wave driving educational technology.
- What is your favorite book? I do all my reading online.
- What is your favorite movie? Star Wars
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