Open Class is a new Learning Management System which has potential to revolutionize cloud based learning. This is a totally free and easy to use online solution for educational/course management. The best way to describe it is something very similar to Moodle that fully integrates w/ Google Apps educational suite.
I highly recommend checking out Open Class by clicking here!!
View brief demo below....
I'd like to thank David Andrade for this excellent find!!
We currently have four teachers piloting three OpenClass courses in our high school district and are looking to make a decision on an LMS for next year when we issue Google Chromebooks to all of our students. So far, most feedback from the teachers about OpenClass has been positive, but they really just started. I will add that the recent addition of the SIS Integration tool, which is basically just a way to upload csv files to create/update students, create/update courses, and create/update registrations has been a tremendous help. Excited to keep learning more about it.