Straight from their site (http://www.youtube.com/teachers)...
Top 10 Ways to use YouTube in the Classroom
- Spark Lively Discussions - Engage students by showing a video relevant to their lives.
- Organization - Create playlist to help guide students through their viewing process of educational videos.
- Archive your Work - Engage students by showing a video relevant to their lives.
- Allow Students to Dig Deeper into a Subject - Allow students to create a playlist to better dissect a subject.
- Get struggling students up to speed, and push strong students ahead - Students can use YouTube at home to learn at their own speed.
- Review for Upcoming Exams - Turn test review and flashcards into easy-to-watch videos. This way students can hear your explanations as they study.
- Create a YouTube Center in your Classroom - When working in stations or centers, have students use your YouTube channel to complete an assignment, freeing you up to work with small groups of students.
- Create quizzes to accompany videos for instant feedback - Create a Google Form that students complete after watching a video.You can use this quiz to get instant feedback on what they're learning.
- Create Interactive Video Quests - Use YouTube Annotations to create "Choose Your Own Adventure" style video quests.
- Flip your Classroom - If your students watch a video of the basic concepts at home you can focus in class on applying those concepts, working collaboratively with their classmates rather than simply listening to you lecture.
I highly highly recommend checking out YouTube for Teachers by clicking here!!!
For my top 10 YouTube goodies click here.
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