Keep in mind the questions might change from time to time (especially as technology changes), and I'm looking to provide other formats as well (audio/video).
I hope you all find this to be a fun/exciting journey as we get to learn a bit more about each other and why we love technology & education.

Martha Thornburgh
blog: http://digital-doors.blogspot.com/
- Where do you live? Mount Vernon, WA
- How long have you been working w/ technology/education? 20+
- What OS/platform do you use for your work? Windows
- What is your favorite Web 2.0/21st Century tool and why? Google Docs: Great way to collaborate in the clouds. Equalizer for students. Free and available from any computer with internet connection.
- What is the biggest misconception about technology? Technology is not about the stuff, it is about what you do with the stuff. As Marco Torres says. It is about he verbs, not the nouns.
- What are the biggest hurdles you face as a technology educator? Getting others to believe that technology is worth their very limited time.
- What has been your biggest success in technology integration? Small steps, but when I reflect on the past few years, it looks like giant leaps.
- What has been your biggest setback in technology integration? Sites being blocked. Teachers having to wait for equipment and software to be installed while losing momentum.
- Who/what has been your biggest inspiration in technology/education? Marco Torres is such a great inspiration as an educator. He believes in students, believes in the power of creativity and taking kids where they are at and building on that.
- Where do you see technology integration heading in the future? Mobile technology. Rethinking assignments and questions based on the fact that content answers are available at student's fingertips. Asking higher order questions that can only be answered by exploring the world and collaborating.
- What is your favorite book? The Bean Trees, Barbara Kingsolver
- What is your favorite movie? The Mission
Hey! That's me! Wow I feel special. Thanks for sharing. We all have so much to learn from each other.